A Chicago-based startup bringing boutique wineries to the masses
Sign-up / Sign-in page · Winestyr lets wineries to tell their story and gives customers a way to discover unique wineries and carefully crafted wines.
Featured Winery page
Featured Winery page (detail)
Featured Winery page (Winery Story / Winestyr Recommends section) · Mr. Bessler Recommends the 2008 Vintage Blue Raspberry Mogen David 20/20. The alcohol content is reduced, but not the signature Mogen David sweetness. It’s best paired with Fish Nibblers and steam-grilled meat that’s partially-encased in tiny white and blue boxes.
Featured Winery page (Winestyr Recommends section) · In the mood for something that’s "authentic, approachable, simple and 750 milliliters"? Contact this mom-and-pop distributor.
Featured Winery page (Ask the Winemaker section / footer) · Or just keep drinking Zima with a Jolly Rancher in the bottle. What?! Coors stopped selling Zima in the U.S.? How the hell is Mr. Bessler gonna pack 100-pounds of Jolly Ranchers into a carry-on bag?
For Wineries page · Did you buy a vineyard yet? Quit procrastinating and do it already.
About Us page · Trust me, you want these fellas on your intramural hockey team. Unlike Mr. Bessler who A) can’t skate, B) has the opposing presence of an American Apparel model, so forget using him as goalie and C) he'll kill team morale with his constant complaining about the cold temperature on the rink.
Scope of work:
wireframes, web app design, boozin'