Say hello, if necessary

Operators are standing-by, anxiously waiting to route your electronic mail message to Mr. Bessler’s AOL account.

    Your name. Or the name of your pet ferret. Whichever.

    Your Email.
    Email addresses, pffft. What a fad.

    Your message.
    Preferred format: Haiku verse.

    Indicate which of the following computers you currently own or plan to buy in the next 6 months:

    Apple //e           I ownI plan to buy for Oregon Trail.
    MS-DOS              I ownI plan to buy. No, I'm not joking.
    Laser 128           I ownI plan to buy. I ♥ clones.
    Radio Shack TRS-80  I ownI plan to buy. I ♥ cassettes.
    Macintosh           I ownI plan to buy at Team Electronics.