Play/Pause section opener · Daft Punk está jugando en mi casa. ¡Mi casa!
The Request Handyman · Pre-Etsy.
The Hulk cover and feature · A big green guy that keeps his seamstress busy.
Nelly feature story · .295 was Willie McGee’s career batting average.
Play/Pause section · if you’d like to see Steven Seagal play the guitar.
Forensics · Painful to layout in QuarkXPress.
MC Skat Kat makes a comeback · Yeah, you wish.
Oscars feature story · Oh, sorry. OscarsĀ®.
X2 feature story · "First, they were fighting for acceptance. Now, they’re battling for survival." The Yahoo! Story, next on CNBC.
Ebert, Roeper and Rose · Next on WGN.
A couple stories · Your caption needs to be more descriptive. D+
A couple stories printed on paper · Not really what I had in-mind, but an improvement. C-
Limp Bizkit rocks! · Please see me after class. I’m worried about you.
Movie twins article · Mr. Bessler was literally born to layout this page.
Scope of work:
design, art and photo direction, print production, swearing at QuarkXPress
Year(s) on the job:
Mid 1990's - early 2000's