About: WWW

“WorldWideWeb – Executive Summary: The WWW project merges the techniques of information retrieval and hypertext to make an easy but powerful global information system. The project started with the philosophy that much academic information should be freely available to anyone. It aims to allow information sharing within internationally dispersed teams, and the dissemination of information by support groups.” —Posted by Tim Berners-Lee to alt.hypertext on August 6, 1991

There's a reference to WWW buried somewhere ↓ here:

Dude, have ya heard of this “World Wide Web” thing?

Written by Mr. Bessler on March 15, 1994

I was talking to this KMFDM-freak in the Quad last night and he wouldn’t shut-up about this program called Mosaic that uses his Baud modem to “browse” something he called the “World Wide Web”. Not sure how useful it’s going be, but he seemed super-excited about it. Read more »